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    I’m retired how to get cheap accutane Even Darth Vader looks disappointed. But still, the 30th-anniversary partial reunion of the Return of the Jedi cast should make up for it. We all sit back as the actors who played Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Boba Fett, C3PO, Emperor Palpatine and Chewbacca enter, and take a series of obedient questions. One reporter asks Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) what it is he gets out of going to all these appearances. “A pension,” he says, slightly glumly. Indeed, he soon reveals just how much work events such as this one provide. Sitting next to Boba Fett (Jeremy Bulloch), he says, “We’ve travelled so far it’s unbelievable. I know Jeremy will confirm this. I’ve got a million air miles, and that takes a lot of doing.” “I’ve got 500 miles on my card,” say Boba Fett, somewhat crestfallen.

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